anon@tnl ~/lc microblog>

Long Covid Microblog

Here I document my journey dealing with Long Covid. I know I'll make it some day.



Something very strange happened this night: I had very vivid dreams again. I woke up quite often and overall my sleep was unrefreshing - in contrast to yesterday, where I felt sooo good. Here are some facts:

Now why were my two nights (yerstday and the day before) so different?? Here are my (partly wild and uninformed) theories:

  1. Pacing: Due to the coffee and the overall good-feel I did not really do pacing. This might have stressed my body again, leading to the unrefreshing sleep and surge in symptoms

  2. Too much supplementation: Technically, I consumed too much zinc. Maybe this threw stuff out of balance?

  3. No ketoferrin: If I really have MCAS, my base histamin level might be high. The missing ketoferin might have allowed the histamin level to rise quite drastically (natural histmain spike in the early morning hours).

  4. Coffe + L-Glutamin + MCAS + no ketoferin: (related to theroy number 3): Coffee is often not well tollerated in people with MCAS, and additionally it might be a bit moldy, which is also a driver for histamine. I must also say, that since COVID, I am very sensitive to coffee. I drank only half a cup of black coffee and my heart was racing, I got a bit of stomach ache (~10mg Ritalin like feeling). I drank the coffee on an empty stomach around 09:30 am. Also I had L-Glutamin made from fermentation (a possible histamin trigger??)

  5. Too much LDN: This is weird given I've slept well with 2mg before. But since LDN plays on endorphin system... Maybe LDNs effect varries from day to day, depending on my bodily state? (So maybe it is more suspectible to subtle changes in the body chemistry?)

  6. The bloating - wakefullness correlation: I listened to a podcast a while back where a woman describes having almost exactly the same symptoms as me: bloating, the "lava" like rushes going through your body. Being wide awake at night. She resolved it with eliminating archea from her microbiome (she suspected covid threw her microbiome out of balance) [ps: you should read the book "10% human"]. So I also experienced more bloating this morning - maybe this is the correlation? Maybe the bacteria overgrown again because I ate sooo much fiber? Maybe they produce some chemicals that contribute to histmaine or activate another mechanisim that keeps me awake??

Now, what do we do? An experiment! Today I will do everything like yerstday: coffe, l-glutamine, the vitmaines, the ldn, the diet. Except I will change one variable today: Take ketoferin before bed again.

See you tommorow! (btw brainfog is so high currently 😵)


Slept through. Was it the ketoferin or placebo? I don't know. Fact is: I have 100 ketoferin capsules now. Show work for at least 50 days. No coffee today. Hopefully nights like this will get normal now.

Also for the past 5 days, I've managed to take a cold shower every morning. This feels amazing. However I've not been doing a lot of meditation lately.

Also in the last 2 weeks I attended bi-weekly taekwondo training. I don't take part the whole time and do a lot of small pauses (pacing) but it helps me a lot (especially mentally) to have more routine again.



Now - what to take out of this? Maybe I should take even more anti histamines?? On the other side, doxylamin is mainly taken for its sedating effects... maybe this was the main driver? In the end, I think everything combined might have helped and mitigated the worst. Still, in the next days I'll experiment with complementing the ketoferin with another h1/h2 blocker (Because I suspect that there might be SO much histamine that a higher dosage would be needed) [well this might also apply to LDN: maybe I need to go higher... I am naturally a person who does not like to dose high]

Anyways... enough for the the documentation and pondering (remember sympathetic activity?). I'll go raving now :)



Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing. Cold showers and breathing.

Also real crash today. Last two days were filled with stress and planning. It's actually nice to be noticing this today. Reassures me that I'm on the right path with my treatments.


Today I also visited the doctor who prescribed me Low Dose Naltrexone. We agreed that I continue the treatment and I further experiment with the dose. Maybe going down to 1.5mg will yield more benefits. But the most important thing he mentioned was: keep on doing non medicative anti stress interventions: parasympathetic activities. Social activities, movement, breathing exercises. This was good to hear as I tend to sometimes forget about it and slip into a downwards spiral of overthinking, hyperfixation, and bad sleep.

Oh and I wanna change my breathing excercises so that I breathe more into my belly instead of chest.

(But i think that there can also be upward spirals! 🚀)

update 22 pm: Best deciscion of the month: go to taekwondo training. I ended up not going for the longest period of my life because I always did too much and ended up crashing afterwards. But now I have a new mindest: Pacing. With it, i was able to enjoy training without risking a crash the next day. The movement, seeing fammiliar faces in the gym, talking... How did I not do this for so long?? Thats parasympathic. For so long I coulnd't do it, because my expectations were so high - but now I know the right way.



Its 05:35 AM. After two very good days. It happened again. I am wide awake. Same happened tonight at 3 am. F* this.

But this time I have a suspicion. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I ate 200g of peanuts. I just realized later: They are very high in histamine... Oh yes... the beloved Histamine. Many LC patients have MCAS. I am aware of that for a few months now, yet I did eat the peanuts. Why? Because of 2 things: 1) I didn't remember they were high in the beginning and 2) In the end I didn't care. "Avoiding histamine isn't that hard", you might say. I agree - if it would be the only problematic food class. Diet on LC is one hell of a f*cking mess!! You have anti inflammatory diet (AIP), low fodmap, anti histamine, and low fat diet. I went through all of those and each possible combination. It's hard. And confusing. But with MCAS, a dysregulated nervous sytem and gut dysbiosis, you have no choice.

The many facets of LC are a real problem for me. I tend to hyperfocus on one thing and kind of forget about the other stuff. I don't wann be full time patient! I also don't do food tracking for that reason, but maybe I should.

Lastly, I wanna see this event on a positive note. Maybe this was a calling. For the next 5 days, I will go strictly no histamine while also keeping all other remedies. I'll write a second entry.

See you and don't give up xoxo


=> This shows again the importance of sleep and mindset/mood before going to bed. I want to achieve this state more often. Maybe avoiding the computer in the evening and socializing more to "round off" the day is the way to go.


Starting this blog today. I wanted a place where I can write down small updates about my health condition. This really helps with not getting lost in all the ups and downs and self reflection. This will be the only longer entry since I have to catch up with what has happened till now:


[retroactive entry]

Published fifth video blog: LDN started to work but got SIBO test back showing increased methan levels: yt link


[retroactive entry]

Published fourth video blog when finally starting LDN, which turned out to be a total blessing and really elevated me to a new stage of well being yt link


[retroactive entry]

Published third video blog, with more attention to the dysregulated nervous system (was an important step for me)

yt link


[retroactive entry]

Published second video blog when noticing I am relaxed - a feeling which I long missed. yt link


[retroactive entry]

Was at a very bad place, deceided to start with YouTube blogging: yt link. At this point I wasn't even sure that I had Long Covid.